Colombia Mokka Natural

Nov 30, 2021

This episode’s coffee is Colombia Mokka Natural - a mokka varietal. This natural processed coffee is from Valle del Cauca, Colombia by Café Granja La Esperanza. Brewed in a classic V60 by Dirty Puma's Pacz Aldave. You will enjoy flavors of black cherry, wine, and chocolate.


  • V60
  • Dose: 15g
  • Grind size: Medium
  • Yield: 255ml
  • Temperature: 94 C
  • Brew time: 2:45

Always remember, the best coffee is the coffee that suits you. Cheers and keep brewing!


Brew Better explores the world through coffee and tells the story that accompanies each sip. We’ll also be sharing tips, tricks, and our notes - so your cups are always brewed at their best.


Explore the flavors of Sidra, Mokka, Gesha, Catuai, Castillo from Café Granja La Esperanza and Altieri Panama all in our November Box.