Exploring the Magic of Finca de Garces: Varietals and Beyond

May 10, 2023

As you may have noticed, we've been highlighting Finca de Garces throughout the month of May, and for good reason. When we first visited the farm back in 2022 and tried their coffee, we were blown away by the cleanest Philippine coffee we've ever tasted. What's even more impressive is that the farm is relatively new, and the coffee we tried was grown and harvested in just 18 months. We were left curious about the farm's practices and how they manage to produce such incredible coffee. That's why we embarked on a mission to share the magic of this Bukidnon farm with the world.

What sets them apart from other coffee farms is their method of growing their coffee beans. Instead of letting them bear the harsh rays of the sun, they choose to grow them under the shade of Falcatta Trees. This not only protects the coffee from too much sunlight, but also provides a better and more controlled growing condition for the coffee trees. And as a result, the coffee beans they produce are of high quality. 

But that's not all. Another factor that makes Finca de Garces exciting is the temperature at which they grow their coffee. At 14 degrees Celsius, it's slightly cooler than the usual temperature for coffee farms. This temperature creates a unique environment for the coffee to grow, which results in a distinctly clean taste even when the coffee is in its natural state. 

In fact, Finca de Garces coffees are so exceptional that they can be mistaken for an Ethiopian cup when tasted blind. Ethiopian coffees are known for their pronounced flavor profile, so this comparison speaks volumes about the quality of Finca de Garces' coffee.

Finca de Garces grows five different cultivars or varietals of coffee beans, each with its own unique flavor profile. They have Bourbon, Sarchimore, Typica, Catimor, and our favorite Sweet Coffee which traces back to an Ethiopian heirloom landrace. These different varietals make for a diverse and interesting coffee experience, and I’m excited to take you all with me on a trip to Finca de Garces on a 5-part informative video to discuss all their varietals and why every coffee from this farm tastes as such.


- Gio



Get ahold of one of the winning lots that graced the Finca de Garces farm. Click here to get a bag!

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